Thursday, June 13, 2019

Improving health for the psychiatric population Essay - 1

Improving health for the psychiatric macrocosm - Essay ExampleEach person is entitled to a trusty mental health to enable them to adhere to their roles in school, family and at work. fit to EC (2005 p4), mental health is a state of well-being in which the somebody realizes hi or her abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contri simplyion to his or her community.However, mental sickness is accompanied by depression, stress, and mental strains, hence rendering a person incapable of acting normal. Nevertheless, Psychiatric problems may be hereditary, environmental, or economic. Psychiatric indisposition affects a countrys economy via loss of production through early retirement. Therefore, the need for mental health improvement on the general population is important as its related challenges need to be addressed for instance, stigma and human rights.Studies on the psychiatric population have been conducted ov er the past years, including the causes, symptoms, and treatment. According to Stewart, et al (2009 p749), manual restraining was commonly used in Psychiatric hospitals as a way of managing violent behaviors of the patients. Violent behaviors among the psychiatric patients are usually extravagantly therefore, manual ascendancy is commonly used to calm the patient down. This method involves restraining the patient on the floor in a prone position to border any movement however, such reaction lasts for about ten minutes. Stewart et al (2009) further insist that manual restraint involves the risk of injury to the involved parties, but are common in staff members. According to a survey conducted on 269 nurses in the psychiatric care units, they agreed to the fact the manual restraint had positive outcomes, although it was stressful (Stewart, et al, 2009, p.753).Mental disorders are not only evident in adults, but also among

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