Saturday, June 15, 2019

Finding the Leadership in You Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Finding the Leadership in You - Essay ExampleI use more of an array of incentives to motivate individuals to perform their best. I am in a sense a transformational leader also. I go beyond to manage my day-to-day operations for the company, my lack of tolerance to hesitation and self-objectivity affects my leadership abilities. My ability to get knowledge without inference or reason is low (Webb, 2013). My low intuitive abilities are affecting my capability to learn and sack up the complex line in a subconscious basis. It plays a vital part in the decision making process. I will work on developing my intuitive abilities in order to improve my decision making, avoid common mistakes and dissolve prejudices (Tidd & Bessant, 2011).I have a strong conflict counselling skill. My capacity to remain calm and absorbed in tense conditions is a crucial aspect of conflict resolution (Webb, 2013). I usually stay pertain and in control of myself, which makes me avoid being emotionally overwhe lmed intense conditions. I have a strong courteous regard to people feelings, and lick as a facilitator in solving conflicts. My high Yield tendency facilitates courteous yielding to opinions, judgments, or wishes of other people. My forcing tendency abilities demonstrate my skill of ensuring that people act in a demeanor, which facilities resolution of conflicts (Tidd & Bessant, 2011). The high avoidance tendency demonstrates my ability to avoid tense situations, or conflicts. This ensures that I behave in a manner that does not facilitate conflicts, and ensure that an amicable environment exists at all time. The high compromising tendency shows that I am more than eager to agree in order to take into consideration other people thoughts and feelings (Cummings & Worley, 2009). I possess strong problem solving skills. These skills demonstrate my ability to solve problem and offer solutions to complex and challenging situations. Time management skills demonstrate how someone is mor e aware to

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