Wednesday, June 19, 2019

ETHICAL ISSUES Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ETHICAL ISSUES - Research Paper ExampleThis ensures that only the inquiryes that meet the borderline ethical requirements are conducted, hence, increasing the chances of having a in(predicate) explore.Another way that an internal review board assists in ensuring the researches undertaken are successful is through prep of information and training to researchers. According to Craig (2009), an internal review board serves as a resource for researchers by providing them with training and information necessary for conducting a successful research. This ensures that the researchers are well equipped when they are undertaking a research and, thus, influences their ability to achieve a successful research. The training and information that this board provides assists researchers in facing some of the challenges of conducting a research and, hence, makes their research successful.The ethical issues involved in research vary with the kind of research undertaken, as well as the research me thod chosen for the research per se. The ethical issues for an engineering research that does not involve human subjects are different from the ethical issues of a kind research that involves human subjects. However, several ethical issues are applicable in almost every research undertaken regardless of the research type and research method. single of such ethical issues is the way subjects in a research are to be treated by the researcher. Another ethical issue is how the research should be undertaken while the other one is how the research findings should be reported.These three ethical issues are sensitive when it comes to any kind of research undertaking. If the subjects in a research are not well treated by the researcher, they can experience some direct or indirect harm because of the participation in research (Oliver, 2010). Therefore, the ethical issue of treating the subjects well and carefully during a research is a very sensitive issue. The ethical issue on

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